Eyebrows have become a facial feature serving as the defining part of aesthetic features of the face and expressive features. We fall into common eyebrow mistakes and in the pursuit of perfect brow, many of us are left with a regretful result. Especially in the days of DIY beauty, achieving symmetry and fullness can be a hard thing to do. Here are several common mistakes in shaping and retaining eyebrows, according to top brow professionals, and how to easily avoid them.
1. Tweezing One Eyebrow at a Time
Focusing on tweezing one brow at a time is one of the most common eyebrow mistakes. While this appears to be an efficient approach, it’s the fastest track to uneven brows unless you’re a pro. Furthermore, by focusing on one brow, you can overpluck and create a more disproportioned look with one side of your face with the other.
Solution: Remove a hair or two at a time, taking turns between the brows. To keep symmetry in your work akin to a professional’s handiwork, work on the same areas of both brows.
2. Overtweezing the Space Between Brows
So fearful of developing a unibrow is the average person that they overtweeze, eventually creating a gap that’s just too wide.
Solution: To find the right starting point for your brows, use a thin pencil inserted vertically along the outer edge of your tear duct. This easy trick keeps you from overtreating and affecting natural proportions and gives time for over-tweezed areas to grow back.
3. Tweezing from the Top of the Brows
Another big eyebrow mistake in those days when you took tweezers to the tops of your brows — obscuring the natural arch. Of course, unless there seems to be an evident opposite, specialists propose not to change the line of the upper area.
Solution: A spoolie brush and scissors will trim away excessive hair length. Cut individual hairs at an angle to keep them soft and natural. But if you want more control, use a brow filler like ColorStay Brow Fiber Filler to keep hairs in place while ever so subtly tinting and thickening.
4. Choosing the Wrong Color
One can go wrong with choosing the wrong shade of their brows, giving them a flat or unnatural look. Quite a few even pick out shades that match their hair color precisely, resulting in overly solid brows without dimension.
- Brunettes: choose a shade lighter than your hair color so that it doesn’t look too harsh.
- Blondes: Opt for slightly darker shades to enhance definition.
The ColorStay Brow Creator micro pencil of products provides plenty of natural-looking shades to match and balance your features.
5. Using the Wrong Brow Filler
It’s a common pitfall to use the wrong brow product for its intended purpose.
- A brow pencil offers a definition and natural hair-like appearance.
- Powders will give you fuller brows with a softer finish.
- Have all day hold on your brows using brow gels to set and sculpt your brows.
Your brow game may increase just by understanding the purpose of each product.
6. Striving for Perfect Symmetry
A common eyebrow mistake is trying to make eyebrows identical, even among professionals. There is nothing wrong with asymmetry in nature, like in your brows because they were created naturally that way. Forcing perfect symmetry can make an unnatural look.
Solution: Our mantra is that brows are sisters, not twins. Make sure to balance the look, not make one brow darker or more defined than the other. Speed is not what you want here; precision and patience are. Spend your time carefully shaping and defining each of your brows, their symmetry, and balance the important thing.
Mastering the Art of Brow Maintenance
Once altered, your eyebrow then becomes an important part of your face which you need to maintain.
- Regular Brushing: Make sure to use a spoolie to tame some of the unruly hairs.
- Occasional Trimming: Trim those overly long hairs to keep them even while resisting the natural arch.
- Nourishment: A nurturing brow serum applied will help promote growth and strength, and is especially helpful for over-pluckers.
Shaping Tips for Flawless Brows
- Restraint is Key: Don’t over-pluck or overfill your brows. Less is more.
- Step Back Often: Periodically step back from the mirror to assess symmetry and balance.
- Match to Your Palette: Consider your brows as part of your facial palette. Choose colors and products that harmonize with your skin tone and hair color.
The power of subtlety and precision can be testified by eyebrows. However, by preventing these errors and contemplating expert advice, it is possible that the brows, minor features of the face, become the defining features of your appearance. Follow these tips at heart and watch your brows tell a story of grace, certainty, and singularity.
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